R.I.P. to the lead vocalist/drummer for Proto-Metal badasses Sir Lord Baltimore, John Garner

With a legacy of only two albums, released in 1970 and 1971, Sir Lord Baltimore left an indelible mark on the foundation of Heavy Metal. Their music was HEAVY and complimented John Garner’s unique and histrionic vocals, which became a style employed by numerous future Metal front men.


Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings celebrate the Festival of Lights with video for “8 Days (of Hanukkah)” — watch

As I was pouring through music for a non-traditional Holiday mix the other day, I was totally bummed by the lack of Hanukkah related material. Thanks to Miss Jones and The Dap-Kings for recognizing the need and freaking the funk.

Source: Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings celebrate the Festival of Lights with video for “8 Days (of Hanukkah)” — watch