She’s got that Go-Go Power: Happy birthday, Sugar Pie Desanto.

These first two clips feature Hubert Sumlin, famous for his work with Howlin’ Wolf and one of my Top Ten guitarists ever, absolutely killing it, PLUS Willie Dixon, Sunnyland Slim and Clifton James! What a band!

A monster dancer, where Sugar Pie shares vocals with Etta James…

She’s gonna be a party poppin’, show stoppin’, wig floppin’ witch for a night!

Still looking and sounding fantastic into the 21st Century…

Watch her get down!

Not sure what the status is on this documentary, but I’m damn glad to see Sugar Pie get the love she deserves.

R.I.P. Peggy Jones, better known as, Lady Bo.

Groundbreaking guitarist known for her work alongside Bo Diddley, performing on such classics as Hey, Bo Diddley and Road Runner, Lady Bo also contributed one of the best instrumentals in the Diddley repertoire, Aztec, to 1961’s, Bo Diddley Is A Lover. In addition to Diddley duty, Lady Bo performed in The Jewels (and both Family Jewels and Fabulous Jewels), and with fellow Diddley alum Bob Baskerville, in Bob & Peggy, among other acts (check link below for full discog).

While there are several vintage Bo performance clips online with a female guitarist, often credited as Lady Bo, to the best of my knowledge, those clips actually feature her successor, The Duchess.

Best wishes to Norton Records honcho, Billy Miller

Billy has been battling Multiple Myeloma, and recently underwent a leg amputation to stave off further complications. For more info, click the link and get the story straight from Billy’s wife and partner at Norton, not to mention original Cramps drummer, Miriam Linna. The pair have been tireless champions of quality music, exposing the world to some of the wildest sounds ever recorded, and deserve endless thanks for it.

Billy Miller and Miriam Linna of Norton Records and The A-Bones, photographed in front of their record collection at their home in Brooklyn, NY.

Billy Miller and Miriam Linna of Norton Records and The A-Bones, photographed in front of their record collection at their home in Brooklyn, NY.

It’s John Lee Hooker’s birthday, so. boogie chillen!

I saw John Lee Hooker perform to a crowd of about 100 people, seated maybe 20 feet away. Despite the fact that he was extremely hungover, with and ad hoc band, he put on a great show. Less than two years later, he put out the Grammy winning, The Healer, featuring collaborations with Carlos Santana, Bonnie Raitt, Los Lobos and others, at which point, the bar/club days were over again, and it was back to the larger venues and acclaim that he deserved. Still, can’t help but feel lucky to have caught him just before that. Oh, one thing that I distinctly remember when getting his autograph…he had fingers like sausages. Huge!

It’s Eddie Kirkland’s birthday

I had the privilege of seeing Eddie Kirkland perform, with the Reigning Sound as his backing band, and am thankful to this day for that fact. Some of the most blistering R&B cuts ever.

While looking up clips to post, I discovered this video of Eddie playing Classic Rock radio staples, Foghat, and fell in love. Eddie is outta control and looking like he’s having the time of his life.

Vinyl Rip of The Day: George “Wild Child” Butler – Hold Me, Baby (Willie Dixon)

Decided to rip my 1965 Jewel Records 45 of this track that I recently featured as Song of The Day. Both sides of the 45 are written by Willie Dixon, who is also featured, as I believe are Jimmy Dawkins and Cash McCall.

Gotta admit, it was Holly Golightly’s 1994 version, that hipped me to it, twenty years ago.

I hear voices, and they’re shouting “happy birthday” to Screamin’ Jay Hawkins

Great clip from the Merv Griffin Show, a documentary, which I’ve yet to see, some Mystery Train footage, and some other faves