Watch Platinum Tips, from Royal Trux performance at Webster Hall, last night

The reunion moves on, as a third reunion date has been confirmed for next year’s Levitation Festival.

Royal Trux reunite!!!

hagerty herrema royal trux

Neil Hagerty and Jennifer Herrema are getting back together for the Berserktown II Festival in LA, August 16. This marks the first time that the duo have appeared on stage together in fifteen years. There have been hints that the estranged duo were on the mend recently. First there was the news that Hagerty had written two songs on Herrema’s forthcoming Black Bananas LP, and then she promoted a Haggerty gig on her Facebook page. Even so, it’s surprising to discover that the duo who clashed over rights to the Royal Trux name, who as recently as two years ago, denied rumors of any potential reunion, might be sharing the stage again. Not to mention that Hagerty’s performance of the band’s Avant Rock double LP masterpiece, Twin Infinitives, last year, replaced Herrema (also, how is there no footage of that show online?). Well, hell must be experiencing record lows and pork must be lining treetops because Rock and Roll’s most unpredictable couple are working together again and that is something to celebrate. No news yet as to whether this will lead to further gigs or recordings, but there’s no reason to rule that out. My remaining question is who’s gonna fill out the roster? It would be nice to see the return of the Jacksonville, FL players, that developed from Cats and Dogs onward, though I would be surprised if it were to happen. Whatever happens, I am psyched! First 13th Floor Elevators and now this? 2015… the year of the awesome reunion.