Vice’s, One Man Metal series, featuring Leviathan, Striborg, and Xasthur

A fascinating glimpse into a few of the most reclusive and influential acts in the Underground Metal scene. The one man band idea greatly appeals to me as a fan of undiluted music, produced with a purity of vision. By doing it by themselves and (releases aside) for themselves, these artists keep the independent spirit of Metal alive.

A new video from Myrkur, Onde Børn

And just in time for her live debut at this weekend’s Roskilde Festival. Myrkur is a Black Metal(ish) project from model and former Pop singer, Amalie Bruun. On previous Myrkur releases, Bruun has, with the exception of drums, performed and produced all of her own material. On this forthcoming LP, she’s joined by Teloch from Mayhem on guitar, and Arcturus and Ulver’s, Kristoffer Rygg, aka Garm, will be producing. This new track seems more indebted to her pre-pseudonym past of 90’s Shoegazery moves, than any previous effort, which may prove problematic with a certain contingent of the Metal crowd, but I assume her résumé may have already done a fair amount of that. Me? I have no such Metal cred issues, and am digging the melodic confluence. Besides, what other model even listens to Black Metal, much less plays it? I’ll be waiting on the youtube postings of the Roskilde show.

It’s Varg Vikernes Birthday

So maybe watch this fascinating documentary on Black Metal, involving many of the scene’s iconic musicians, with lots of info on the violent uprisings in Norwegian Black Metal, and a substantial interview with Varg.

I’m not gonna get into Varg, his politics, life choices, etc., but there is no denying his vast influence and his interesting transformation from the savage brutality of his recordings with Old Funeral, Mayhem and early Burzum, to the addition of synthesizers, ambient melody, and pagan/folk themes which dominate a large part of Burzum’s catalog. Vikernes work in this area changed the soundscape of Black Metal, and, in my opinion, for the better.

I can’t believe that this video has a VH1 stamp on it. Ha! The only official Burzum video