The Man Who Fell To Earth trailer

I just read the Walter Tevis novel, on which this is based, and was blown away by it. I could not however, get the image of David Bowie out of my head as I read it, and that is not a complaint as Bowie’s look and performance in the film are both exceptional. One of my fave movies, and now books, as well.

Song of The Day: Paul Giovanni – Willow’s Song and a cover of the same from Isobel Campbell

Happy birthday, Britt Ekland. This Wicker Man clip has been cropped to excise the NSFW ass smacking portions of Britt’s dance. Such a beautiful track.

From wiki: “Willow’s Song is a ballad by American composer Paul Giovanni for the 1973 film The Wicker Man

It is the best-known song from the film, and it is sometimes referred to as “The Wicker Man Song”,[citation needed] although the film contains many other songs. The film tells the story of an upright Christian police officer investigating the disappearance of a young girl, the search for whom leads him to a remote Scottish isle inhabited by pagans. While staying at the Green Man Pub, Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) is roused from prayer by the landlord’s daughter Willow, played by Britt Ekland, who sings the erotic ballad through the adjoining wall of their separate bedrooms while completely naked. The song is an attempt to seduce Howie by accentuating to Willow’s sensuality. The music is played by the band Magnet. According to the film’s associate musical director Gary Carpenter, the screen version was sung by Rachel Verney (although some have believed that it was sung by the Scottish jazz singer Annie Ross).[citation needed] There are two different album versions of The Wicker Man soundtrack. The 1998 version released by Trunk Records features the film version of the song. The 2002 version released by Silva Screen features an alternate recording in which Lesley Mackie (who played Daisy in the film) sang to the same backing tracks.

According to Paul Giovanni, “The idea for the song was completely original with meā€”there was no indication of what it was to be in the script except a couple of lines of absolute filth,” sourced by screenwriter Anthony Shaffer from various anthologies of lyrics that would be appropriate to spring pagan festivals. “The main thing is in the rhythm, and we used all of the old twangy instruments in there”. One couplet in the song is adapted from a poem by George Peele, part of his play The Old Wives’ Tale (printed 1595). Another may be taken[weasel words] from a verse of the Elizabethan-period drinking song “Martin Said To His Man” (or may[weasel words] since have been added to it).”

Style Inspiration: Cathy Moriarty in White of The Eye

Holy shit, White of The Eye is a total WTF thriller worth watching. As someone who’s seen most of what are dubbed Cult Classics, I’m always on the lookout for gems that have not reached that vaunted status, and 1987’s White of The Eye, hits the mark on multiple levels. Directed with style and panache by Donald Cammell, best known for 1970’s Mick Jagger starring vehicle Performance, WOTE is one of those rare films in which you have no idea what’s going to happen next. I would post a trailer, but I must recommend going in with no plot synopsis, as I did. Doing so left me totally off guard, and having watched the trailer after, it gives away several key plot points, that are better left unknown. Suffice it to say, things continue getting weirder as the movie unfolds. Also, Pink Floyd’s keyboardist, Nick Mason, scores the film, for my soundtrack lovers out there.

On to today’s source of style inspiration, Cathy Moriarty, and her fantastic peacock blazer/crushed velvet leggings/boots ensemble, and let me apologize for the jpeg quality, these are the best quality clips that I could screenshot. Yes, her outfit was so outstanding, I finally learned to screen capture, AND image searched vintage peacock jackets, to no avail, hence making due with less than perfect results. You may/should recognize Cathy Moriarty as Jake LaMotta’s wife Vickie, in Raging Bull, (or perhaps the less acclaimed, but highly entertaining Montana Moorehead/Nurse Nan, in the hilarious Soapdish), and despite the accolades that she received for that role, and the passage of seven years, this is only her third film role. Fortunately, Moriarty brings an intensity to her performance that one would expect from a Scorsese alum, which is absolutely necessary to carry off such tough and stylish threads. Really, that peacock blazer is TOO MUCH. Take a look and tell me I’m wrong. Oh, and watch White of The Eye!