Women’s World Cup Final Was Most-Watched Soccer Game in United States History

This is about much more than just sports. It signifies a necessary societal shift. Of course that doesn’t mean that the winning women’s team receives the winning men’s team payout. At $2 million they receive 25% of the winning men’s team’s, $8 million. Actually, all World Cup finals men’s teams receive $1.5 million, regardless of placement. Oh, and despite petitioning, the women’s teams still have to play on the far less forgiving artificial turf. Maybe with their record breaking accomplishment some of these glaring disparities might be properly addressed. Either way, it bodes well for greater acceptance of, and interest in, women’s sports, which even if you have no interest in sports, is a step in the right direction.

Have Your Coffee Cup And Eat It Too With KFC’s Edible Coffee Cups In The UK

Okay, I could do without the “ambient aromas” (what, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee isn’t satisfying enough?) and I can say with 100% certainty that I will never set foot in a KFC (unless, of course, it’s attached to a Taco Bell, as many are) in ANY country, but this is a great idea, that I’d like to see more widely adopted. That is, assuming they don’t taste like complete and total shit. Yep, that’s it, a couple of steps above shit in the taste department and I give this a full endorsement.

Tesla set to introduce Home Energy Battery!


This is huge news not only for people trying to live “off the grid” (and really, who doesn’t wanna kick their electric company to the curb?), but for the greater global energy crisis and environmental concerns, as well. Coupled with a solar installation, it would be possible to reduce your dependence on your utility company drastically, if not entirely, depending, of course, on it’s strength and your needs.

With a projected production date of six months, this is a topic that should be feverishly discussed as that time grows nearer. My major concern is what sort of impediments and regulations will issue forth from power companies, to obstruct a less grid driven lifestyle? And, of course, less dependence on current electrical distribution will eventually result in job losses on one end, but will open up other employment opportunities as the new market emerges. Either way, times change and people need to adapt, especially to ways globally beneficial.

Tesla is also an advocate of the open source patents, allowing others to further develop their ideas. There is some question as to just how “open” these patents are, with hedge clauses that would allow Tesla to seek recompense and/or partial or total ownership of products not produced/used in a manner described by the vague phrase “good faith”. Regardless, the effort towards working with, as opposed to completely against as is generally the case in free market development, is a positive sign, and one that is seeing some support via endeavors like The Open Source Science Project (of which, Tesla is a member). http://www.theopensourcescienceproject.com/

Tesla’s current residential battery system http://www.solarcity.com/residential/energy-storage

And then of course there is this sort of legislation, which will be but one obstacle

More Sorrow, Tears and Blood For The People Of Nigeria

2000 feared dead in latest attack from Boko Haram insurgents