Happy birthday, Gary Numan

Gary Numan is a legend of Synth-Fi (if that isn’t a genre, it is now, and Down In The Park is it’s anthem), lyrically crafting a future forward, dystopian vision to match his pioneering, dark music. His second album, Replicas, under the Tubeway Army moniker, deserves a place in every discerning collection of modern Rock.
I usually don’t post multiple versions of one song, but I could listen to Down In The Park, all day every day, So here ya go.

Same for Are Friends Electric

A much more recent Gary, performing with electro pop chanteuse, Little Boots, on a Velvet Underground cover

and a very nice reworking of Are Friends Electric, from 2013

Songs of The Day: Malaria, “Your Turn To Run” and “You, You”

My two favorites from this Berlin based, all female, 1980’s group, falling somewhere between Post-Punk, Neue Deutsche Welle, Goth, Dark Wave, Minimal Synth, and a few other sub-genres. A wonderfully creepy mix, to be sure.