Terry Gilliam is 75 today! Watch documentaries on Gilliam directed classics, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Time Bandits, Brazil,The Adventures of Baron Muchausen and 12 Monkeys…

and unused Monty Python animated sketches!

“I just like the fact I can make a film which might give comfort to some people who think they are the only crazy person in the world and suddenly they see there are two crazy people in the world.”






“Fantasy isn’t just a jolly escape: It’s an escape, but into something far more extreme than reality, or normality. It’s where things are more beautiful and more wondrous and more terrifying. You move into a world of conflicting extremes”


Every Frame A Painting discusses the genius and influence of Buster Keaton

Eight minutes that will make you a fan for life.

Alejandro Jododrowsky just started an Indiegogo campaign to fund post-production for Endless Poetry

Lots of perks for contributions.


Jodo’s impassioned rant about the state of auteur cinema in a world of Hollywood super heroes

Happy birthday to Stanley Kubrick

Clip collections of some of Stanley Kubrick’s visual techniques, including one point perspective, tracking and color. I could watch Kubrick all day, every day.


Happy birthday, John Milius

I’ve yet to watch the documentary, Milius, but it’s gotta be interesting as, in addition to his filmography, John Milius is a controversial, opinionated, conservative voice in the typically liberal bastion of Hollywood. While I’m sure politically I would loathe his positions, I find his work as a writer on Apocalypse Now, Dirty Harry, Jeremiah Johnson, The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, Dillinger, Magnum Force, Conan The Barbarian, the misunderstood 1941, and even the xenophobic, Cold War scare tactics of Red Dawn, to be fascinating. Apocalypse Now is one of my favorite films, and Milius dialogue is a significant factor in that. Anyway, now I’ve gotta watch Milius AND this Francis Ford Coppola interview of him that I just discovered.

Oh, and he was the inspiration for Walter Sobchak, in Big Lebowski, and responsible for Robert Shaw’s WWII story in Jaws.
