You’ve gotta be kidding me… Clarence Reid, aka Blowfly, has died of cancer

I’m going to do a post on the Clarence Reid material later, for now let’s have a good last laugh in the weird, and so un-PC, world of Blowfly.


In preparation for her forthcoming autobiography, and unrelated BBC produced documentary, check out this section of Grace Jones, from Queens of Disco.

One thing that I’ve learned from this blog’s analytics, is that people love Grace Jones. As such, there has been a pretty impressive amount of internet buzz about her soon to be released autobiography. Unfortunately the hottest topic about said bio, is Grace calling out current Pop/R&B divas for having stolen her style. Her comments that I’ve seen in regards to this are actually pretty tame (certainly by Jones’ standards), and there’s no doubt as to the influence that Jones has had upon the world of fashion, music, film and beyond. Even her tough as nails, take no shit persona can be seen as a blueprint being used, if often wielded poorly, by many current stars. That’s my problem with that subject though. Jones is infinitely more fascinating a character than today’s stars and focusing solely on her influence upon, and acknowledgement of, actually diminishes her own status, as these sites merely concentrate on those comments, dropping the names that are inescapable in modern celebrity press.

Anyway, here’s hoping that autobiography sells millions