Watch composer David Rosenboom hook John and Yoko up to a biofeedback machine and process it through synths

This has gotta be one of the weirdest moments on the Mike Douglas Show. John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Chuck Berry and Mike, all seated on the floor, while David Rosenboom and partner (unknown to me), hook all but Chuck, who remains silent, up to a biofeedback processor, producing sounds then manipulated by the use of synthesizers (any info on what synths would be appreciated), as they discuss the nature of biofeedback therapy. A time piece for sure.

From the Whitney Museum of American Art’s (with whom Rosenboom has frequently worked), Rosenboom bio: “Since the 1960s David Rosenboom has explored the spontaneous evolution of musical forms, languages for improvisation, new techniques in scoring for ensembles, multi-disciplinary composition and performance, cross-cultural collaborations, performance art and literature, interactive multi-media and new instrument technologies, generative algorithmic systems, art-science research and philosophy, and extended musical interface with the human nervous system.”

A very Terry Riley-ish recording from 1975’s, Brainwave Music.

From Rosenboom’s 1980 release, Daytime Viewing, with longtime Robert Ashley collaborator, vocalist/designer/graphic artist, Jacqueline Humbert…

unfortunately I couldn’t find a clip of Rosenboom’s collaboration with Anthony Braxton.

Vintage Stockhausen performances

This video has international subtitling available, under “settings”

This does not have the benefit of subtitles, but you get to see Stockhausen performing in a Lebanese cave, AND Max Ernst is in it!

It’s Karlheinz Stockhausen’s birthday, and there’s hours of his lectures captured on tape

It’s like you’re in a class surrounded by such previous Stockhausen students as, La Monte Young, Can’s Irmin Schmidt and Holger Czukay, Jean Michel Jarre, Jon Hassell, Costin Miereanu and the scores of other influential composers/musicians to have studied under the master.

Happy birthday to Synth/Electronic Music trailblazer, Mort Garson

Mort Garson remains one of the great unsung heros of the synthesizer. Often going uncredited, or under a pseudonym, Garson released albums for Satanic Black Masses, songs for plants, hippie exploitation tie-ins, audio erotica, and a whole twelve part series dedicated to each sign of the zodiac. Unfortunately, and perhaps due to his anonymity, his name remains largely unknown today, which given the current interest in vintage synthesizer music, will hopefully soon change, as Garson’s records stand with the best of them. Dilla knew what was up

Song Of The Day: Doris Norton – Psychoraptus

I love everything about this song and video.
Doris Norton, a pioneer of synthesizer based electronic music, holds a very unique distinction in her field: she was the first musician endorsed by Apple Computers. Her 1984 album, Personal Computer, even bears the Apple logo on its cover. Another interesting Norton fact is that under the pseudonym, Fiamma Dello Spirito, she was a member of the 60’s-70’s, Italian Dark Progressive group, Jacula, whose creepy recordings can be seen as an antecedent to the Ambient Black Metal recordings of Burzum, Xasthur and others, some twenty years later.