Scream Factory announces next ten releases of vintage video craziness

Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie, anyone? Howzabout Troll and Troll 2?

Scream Factory Makes Monstrous Comic-Con Announcement!

Bob Larkin – artist

I never knew who was responsible for that amazing Shock Waves art. Thanks, Horrorpedia!


terror train 1980

Bob Larkin (born July 10, 1949) is an American artist primarily known for his painted covers for Marvel Comics in the 1970s and early 1980s. His horror-themed work for Marvel included Planet of the Apes, Satana and The Tomb of Dracula.


Besides his artwork for Marvel, Larkin has painted covers for Warren Publishing’s VampirellaCurtis’ magazine Monsters of the Movies and a host of paperback novels.


Larkin has also created images for notable film posters such as Shock Waves (1977), Kingdom of the Spiders (1977), Piranha (1978) and its sequel, The Visitor (1979), Humanoids from the Deep (1980) and Just Before Dawn (1981).

piranha 1978

Savage-Art-Bob-LarkinBuy via |


Christopher Lee


monsters_of_the_movies-#5 Feb 1975










Bob Larkin Just Before Dawn Movie Poster Detail

Some things Weird and Wicked Bantam Larkin

Wikipedia | We are grateful to the Bob Larkin Blog for some of these images.


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Amazing Original Vintage Pulp, Pin-Up, Comic Strip, Western, Sci-Fi, and War Art up for auction! Take a look…

Just get a gander at a few of the more popular artists represented in this collection: Alberto Vargas, Gil Elvgren, Theodore “Dr Seuss” Geisel, Charles Adams, H.R. Giger, Patrick Nagel and personal faves, Richard Powers and Robert McGinnis. While there are pieces listed in the tens of thousands, there are also pieces starting at well under $100. Even if you have no money to spend, it’s well worth your time to explore the catalog. Great works by unknown artists sit beside those of the masters of their fields.

Traci Lords has a new movie and it’s called, Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre

You had me at Sharkansas.

Harnessing the combined power of women In prison, creepy rednecks and scary fish with rows of serrated, replaceable teeth, Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre, is the low budget exploiter of the moment. As a bonus it reconnects Traci Lords with director, Jim Wynorski, who worked together on 1988’s cult classic, Not Of This Earth. Wynorski directed one of my favorite 80’s campy horror classics, Chopping Mall, in 1986, and has cranked out a tireless torrent of trash ever since. Clearly one for fans of SyFy network originals.

The Genius of Cannon Films

So I just watched a fascinating documentary, “Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films”, about one of cinema’s premier producers of exploitation films. From the years 1967 to 1993, the Cannon Group created a voluminous body of work, relentlessly churning out film after film, all while working under severe budget restraints and time restrictions. “Electric Boogaloo”, tells the story of how two cinema obsessesed Israeli cousins, Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus, became the premier independent producers of schlock movies that were devoured internationally by fans of action, fantasy, sleaze, etc.. If you saw a B-Movie in the theater or late night cable TV during their years of operation, there’s a good chance it was a Cannon Film. Many of my fondest cinematic memories of the early-mid 80’s were derived from their catalog.
While they were generally dismissed as a B-Grade production company in their day, and they were, history, and the Cult of Cannon, has proven that many of these films had an influence and longevity well beyond many of the major studios contributions.
Anyway, like the movies that the studio produced, “Electric Boogaloo” is a wild ride full of great clips and hilarious anecdotes featuring many of the key stars and players of the time. In addition to this documentary, the cousins produced their own, “The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films”, which, in typical Cannon fashion, was started after learning of “Electric Boogaloo” and rushed out to beat it to release by three months. Beating both to the punch however, was a 1986 BBC produced documentary, which I’ve yet to watch, but is on youtube and posted below.

Trailers galore, yes, but this is only the tip of the iceberg from their most prolific period

And one from Cassavetes!