Government to Decommission Nikki Sixx; Plans To Build Nikki Sevenn

“The lovable, alcohol and cocaine fueled robot-musician known as Nikki Sixx was created in 1981 by the Pentagon in order to help distract teenagers from engaging in issues that actually effect their lives and keep them focused on the fantastic illusion of limitless excess.”. Ha! R.I.P. Motley!

Government to Decommission Nikki Sixx; Plans To Build Nikki Sevenn

Nikki Sixx

Song of The Day: Motorhead – Motorhead

Amphetamine sulfate, ultra speed,  version of Motorhead’s titular classic, featuring a veritable who’s who of Motorhead members including Fast Eddie Clark, Brian Robbo Robertson, Larry Wallis, Lucas Fox, Phil Philty Animal Taylor and Thin Lizzy’s Phil Lynott on second bass! Outrageous! Thank you, Lemmy!

I don’t share your greed, the only card I need is… a birthday card for Lemmy!





There’s gonna be a documentary on Creem magazine…

To be directed by Scott Crawford, fresh from his documentary on DC Hardcore, Salad Days, and featuring interviews with Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, Wayne Kramer, Bob Seger, Kiss, and, of course, Creem mag personnel. Kickstarter forthcoming.

Thanks to Detroit Metro Times for this news, proving yet again why they are my favorite city paper.

creem iggy pop

R.I.P. to the lead vocalist/drummer for Proto-Metal badasses Sir Lord Baltimore, John Garner

With a legacy of only two albums, released in 1970 and 1971, Sir Lord Baltimore left an indelible mark on the foundation of Heavy Metal. Their music was HEAVY and complimented John Garner’s unique and histrionic vocals, which became a style employed by numerous future Metal front men.


Songs of The Day: Motorhead & Girlschool – Please Don’t Touch, and Girlschool – Yeah Right

In the former we get Philthy Animal dancing and singing backup, and in the latter he gives a brief appearance as a housemom. Yep. R.I.P. Philthy.

Got to see Girlschool once, opening for Deep Purple, and they were great. Wish I’d gotten a shirt. Shit, I wish I still had the long sleeve Deep Purple shirt. Damn it!

Listen to three tracks from Larry Wallis’ unreleased 1978 LP recorded for Stiff Records

How has this never seen the light of day? Absolutely blazing tracks, proving that Wallis classic solo single, Police Car, was no fluke. With a pedigree that includes stints in Pink Fairies, UFO, Shagrat (with a post Tyrannosaurus Rex, Steve Took) and as the original guitarist for Motorhead, Wallis’ name is legend among aficionados of vicious Psychedelic Punk guitar spew. On these recordings Wallis is joined by former Man member, Deke Leonard, and drummer for Elvis Costello and The Attractions, Pete Thomas. Based on these three tracks, this album belongs in the Top Ten of great unreleased records. Again, why is this still languishing in the vaults?!

Check out a Goldmine article on the album…
an amazing, hilarious and informative 1987 interview with Wallis from Forced Exposure…
and another one from Perfect Sound Forever…