Happy birthday to Scream Queen, Barbara Crampton

Barbara Crampton made her name in campy 80’s Horror classics like Re-Animator, From Beyond and Chopping Mall. After the Golden Age of the genre, she continued steady work in the B-movie field, and in 2015 proved a particularly hot commodity, starring in five films. She always lights up a screen, and her talent and beauty have not diminished a bit over her thirty year career.

Ash vs Evil Dead is everything an Evil Dead fan could want

There are so many nods to the original movie series (though I’ll leave this post spoiler free) in this first episode, that you know Raimi and crew were doing it with the fans in mind. The soundtrack’s use of Space Truckin’ and Journey To The Center of The Mind, aside from being awesome in general, is totally apropos for Ash being a 70’s Michigander, undoubtedly raised on WLLZ and WRIF. I have absolutely zero complaints to level with the premier and only hope that the rest of it keeps up the pace. Also, it’s great to have Bruce back in a starring role (his last legitimate lead being the 2000 series, Jack of All Trades), and reuniting with Lucy Lawless, to boot!

Happy birthday to Peter Jackson

You can catch his first three full length films, streaming on youtube, and if you haven’t seen Meet The Feebles, prepare yourself for some truly twisted awesomeness. I actually got to catch that one in a theater, and more than a few people, all of whom had been forewarned, walked out on it.