Ummm… so Walmart is selling Throbbing Gristle, GG Allin, The Residents, Cro-Magnon and Negativland releases

WTF is going on, Walmart?! Cro-Magnon?! Pretty soon they’ll be spotlighting the entire Nurse With Wound List collection! With Xmas season revving up, you can now tell your Walmart shopping granny to grab you a Scumfucs record, next time she’s at her favorite one stop. Sometimes reality IS stranger than fiction. It goes without saying, support your local record store(s).

Song of The Day: Liaisons Dangereuses – Los niños del parque

Whadaya get when you combine one member with time in Mania D and Einsturzende Neubauten, another with time in DAF, and top it off with a female singer/keyboardist? (Oh, and they recorded with Conny Plank manning the boards)