Happy birthday to Scream Queen, Barbara Crampton

Barbara Crampton made her name in campy 80’s Horror classics like Re-Animator, From Beyond and Chopping Mall. After the Golden Age of the genre, she continued steady work in the B-movie field, and in 2015 proved a particularly hot commodity, starring in five films. She always lights up a screen, and her talent and beauty have not diminished a bit over her thirty year career.

Blank On Blank animates Nina Simone

The most recent animation from the PBS Digital Studios series covers a 1968 Nina Simone interview conducted by Lilian Terry.

R.I.P. to Stooges saxophonist, Steve Mackay

Sad news today, as Steve succumbed to his battle with sepsis. Crank up some Funhouse, in his honor.
An interview covering the entirety of Steve’s career…
Steve’s first single.

Steve with the Violent Femmes, playing a song on which he was featured from their 1986 LP, The Blind Leading The Naked.

And some live Stooges action…

Happy birthday, Diamond Dave!

“My ambition is to further create a signature sound, a signature spirit, that makes some kind of contribution to music in general.” – DLR

David Lee Roth is the quintessential Arena Rock frontman of his era. These kicks and screams were not small part of it.

This DLR soundboard is hours of fun for the whole family!
DLR was always a great interviewee, but I particularly like the camaraderie on display between the two Daves here. Damn, that woulda been a good buddy pic, The Two Daves! The interview also features Diamond Dave’s story about an art installation from The Screamers, Tomata du Plenty, which was featured two days ago on Dangerous Minds. As someone who gets a TON of information from that site (though I try to repost from it minimally), it’s always gratifying to scoop them to a piece, and I featured that clip in February of this year. I think I may have even sent them a link back then, as clearly it’s perfect fodder there.

Fred Cole collapses on stage during Dead Moon set at Bumbershoot

Thankfully he was taken to the hospital and his condition has stabilized. It appears to have been complications from a heart surgery that he underwent last year. My thoughts and best wishes go out to the Cole’s, the couple that prove true love and Rock and Roll can coexist (married 48 years, while touring heavily for many of them. Watch Unknown Passage: The Dead Moon Story, for ample evidence of their mutual love).

First Lemmy, and now Fred, icons both. Hell, by the time time Lemmy joined The Rockin’ Vickers, in 1965, Fred had already released two singles, after which he formed a succession of bands including The Weeds, aka, Lollipop Shoppe, Whizeagle, Zipper, King Bee, Western Front, The Rats and The Range Rats, before finally settling into Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows, both of whom he has toured with relentlessly. Fred should be nicknamed Rust, because the man must never sleep. The man has been doing this for over 50 years and only stops when his body gives out. A true inspiration.

In other troubling news, I didn’t realize that Dead Moon’s drummer, Andrew Loomis, is also facing his own health scare, battling cancer, and his drum seat is currently occupied by the Cole’s, Pierced Arrows drummer, Kelly Halliburton. Here’s hoping for healthier tidings for all.


Thanks to Jozzy Rubenski for this link to help fund Andrew Loomis’ medical costs.



Watch the BBC’s 2014 documentary on Kate Bush.

I finally watched last year’s BBC documentary on Kate Bush (previously posted), and now I’m gonna be on a serious Bush bender, if you will. Though there is no modern interview with Kate, there are plenty of vintage clips (and seriously, if you can watch her in these interviews and not be completely smitten, you’re a stronger person than I). Additionally, there are a ton of celebs sharing their love of Kate, including, David Gilmour, Elton John, Peter Gabriel, Annie Clark (St Vincent), John Lydon, Natasha Khan (Bat For Lashes), Tricky, Big Boi from Outkast, Tori Amos, Steve Coogan, Stephen Fry, Neil Gaiman, Lindsay Kemp and, perhaps most importantly, her partner/collaborator of many years, Del Palmer.

Whether you’re a Kate Bush neophyte or a seasoned Bushophile, this documentary sings her praises in a manner that will leave you enthralled. I personally find it amazing that her utterly unique sound resonated with so many as to make her a Top Ten artist, throughout Europe, particularly in her home country of England, where she is so beloved that she was bestowed the title of Commander of The Order of The British Empire, for services to music. Such recognition of originality, I find gratifying.

Random things I learned from the doc: when David Gilmour met her in 1973, she was 15 and had written over 100 songs, including The Man With The Child In His Eyes, she sings the back up line “Jeux sans frontieres” on my favorite Peter Gabriel solo track, Games Without Frontiers (how did I not know that, or the actual lyric, which is the French translation of the title?), her only tour was in 1979 and she did not perform another concert for 35 years, she studied dance with choreographer/dancer/actor Lindsay Kemp, and Annie Clark sings Wuthering Heights at karaoke nights.

Hannibal series finale ends with first new Siouxsie Sioux song in eight years. More collaborations with composer Brian Reitzell in the works

I’ve preached my love of Hannibal and Brian Reitzell’s chillingly appropriate soundtrack before, but getting Siouxsie on board was quite the coup. The collaborative piece was not only well suited for the scene (and what a scene it was), but is exceptional on its own. The show certainly went out with a bang.

Brian Reitzell on working with Siouxsie, and the prospect of future collaborations.


Apparently director Bryan Fuller is also a huge Siouxsie fan, stating “Siouxsie Sioux and David Bowie are kind of like the mom and pop of my musical tastes, I’ve seen her in concert more than any other artist.”.
