A perfect primer to the career of one of Krautrock/Ambient Music’s most influential pioneers.

Popul Vuh’s soundtrack for Werner Herzog film, Nosferatu The Vampyre, receives deluxe 2LP reissue, with bonus tracks!

One of my favorite soundtracks, and even though I have an original, this is highly tempting. The four bonus cuts are as good as anything on the original release, AND check out that art, courtesy of Jessica Seamans, and marbled vinyl! Waxwork Records does it again!
Nosferatu The Vampyre

Happy birthday, Klaus Schulze

Before embarking on a synthly single minded solo career, Klaus Schulze was briefly a drummer for Tangerine Dream (see amazing video from 1969 below), and a founding member of Ash Ra Tempel, whose Krautrock classic, 1971 eponymous debut, features his drumming and synth talents, as well.

Crazy that footage of this bizarre pairing exists. Absolutely love it!

Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Tempel) to be joined by Ariel Pink at Supersense Festival, Melbourne, Australia

Ariel Pink is real hit or miss with me, but this will definitely be an interesting teaming. Not expecting the Krautrock guitar bludgeon of some of the early Ash Ra, probably more the hypnotic soundscapes of later Ashra and Göttsching solo work, but who knows?

Happy birthday, Jaki Liebezeit

There are two men who created the famous metronomic pulse, which earned the name “motorik”, that was the backbeat of Krautrock: Neu’s, Klaus Dinger, and Can’s, Jaki Liebezeit. Liebezeit was famously referred to as “half man, half machine” for his incessant and mechanically precise, yet soulful and intuitive drumming, which allowed Can to go into uncharted territories, while style having that essential rhythmic center. One of my favorite drummers.

Happy birthday to the architect of the Krautrock sound, Conny Plank

As much as any band, Conny Plank shaped the genre that came to be known as Krautrock, his publishing company, Kraut, providing the most obvious titular connection. Plank’s pioneering use of electronics and commitment to experimentation, became the cornerstone on which German bands solidified their unique contribution to the world. He was co-producer on the first four Kraftwerk albums, all three Neu! records and the first post Neu! band, La Dusseldorf’s first LP, several Guru Guru records, engineered the first Ash Ra Tempel and the pre-Kraftwerk, Tone Float, broke ground in electronic music with Kluster, worked with Brian Eno and continued being relevant into the eighties working with such bands as Ultravox, D.A.F., Killing Joke, The Eurythmics and others, as well as his own projects.

The Day After The Sabbath was nice enough to compile a selection of some of the heavier moments in the Plank’s sessionography.

Roger Mainwood’s trippy animation to Kraftwerk’s, Autobahn

Figured I’d post this separately from the Florian Schneider post so it wouldn’t get lost among the other videos. Well worth watching, even if you have no interest in Kraftwerk, for Mainwood’s amazing visuals. Two years later, Mainwood’s work would be seen in several segments from the animated classic, Heavy Metal.

Dangerous Minds has the story of the video, directly from Mainwood.