David Tibet is selling off his Aleister Crowley book collection

Definitely of interest to a certain type of individual. Do what thou wilt.


crowly books

The Man Who Fell To Earth trailer

I just read the Walter Tevis novel, on which this is based, and was blown away by it. I could not however, get the image of David Bowie out of my head as I read it, and that is not a complaint as Bowie’s look and performance in the film are both exceptional. One of my fave movies, and now books, as well.

One day left to get Kickstarter goodies for contributing to the co-written collection from Cyberpunk legends, Rudy Rucker and Bruce Sterling

Collaborative stories from two of Sci-Fi’s most perpetually entertaining writers.

From Rob Latham’s introduction: “This book is unlike any other collaboration I know of in the field, … the whole is not only greater than the sum of its parts, but wilder, and weirder, and more wondrous. Science fiction is the richer for it… These aren’t just SF buddy stories, they’re metafictional reflections on buddy stories—and, more than that, potent fictive meditations on the virtues and vicissitudes of friendship itself. They don’t just reflect, they embody collaboration, dialogue, disputation. The stories are organized chronologically, and the characters seem to grow older together, the tones darkening, the humor taking on a sharper edge.”

It’s Philip K Dick’s birthday, and there’s a new collection of interviews out on Melville House

The best of Philip Dick’s writing, and theorizing, speaks to me in a way that no other author/philosopher does. And yes, I said philosopher. The largest amount of material from a single author in my book collection, pictures forthcoming, is the work of PKD. I consider any interview with a read, so I’m looking forward to some unreleased nuggets in this collection.




Margaret Atwood is working on her first graphic novel, Angel Catbird, for Dark Horse comics.

“I have concocted a superhero who is part cat, part bird. Due to some spilled genetic Super-Splicer, our hero got tangled up with both a cat and an owl; hence his fur and feathers, and his identity problems.” – M Atwood


angel catbird

The definitive tome on the Sun Ra galaxy, Omniverse – Sun Ra, expanded and republished!

Originally published in 1994, with a $100 price tag (which has risen dramatically since, on internet auction sites), Omniverse is the quintessential reference guide for anyone interested in navigating the oft confusing spaceways of Sun Ra’s interstellar influence. The chronological discography alone, should be worth the price of admission. Available in the US, any day now,  via http://www.forcedexposure.com/home.html , though not currently listed.
