A perfect primer to the career of one of Krautrock/Ambient Music’s most influential pioneers.

Watch newly posted video of a complete Young Marble Giants set from 1980!

Black and white, one camera, great sound and insanely intimate, this footage captures all your Young Marble Giants faves. I’m as totally enamored now as I was upon first hearing Colossal Youth. No one does it like YMG.

Song of The Day: Johan Timman – Look Out For The Killer

I’m well overdue for getting into the Halloween season spirit, so let me start off with this amazing, creepy, synthesizer workout from Johan Timman. This wasn’t written for a soundtrack, but appears on Timman’s sole LP, 1981’s Trip Into The Body. From the title to the fortress of synths, to the keytar and talk box, this track has got everything you could want from the era. Someone please license this, so it can take it’s rightful place in a Horror flick.

A different, slightly longer version. I can’t believe there exists two video versions of this rarity.

Watch composer David Rosenboom hook John and Yoko up to a biofeedback machine and process it through synths

This has gotta be one of the weirdest moments on the Mike Douglas Show. John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Chuck Berry and Mike, all seated on the floor, while David Rosenboom and partner (unknown to me), hook all but Chuck, who remains silent, up to a biofeedback processor, producing sounds then manipulated by the use of synthesizers (any info on what synths would be appreciated), as they discuss the nature of biofeedback therapy. A time piece for sure.

From the Whitney Museum of American Art’s (with whom Rosenboom has frequently worked), Rosenboom bio: “Since the 1960s David Rosenboom has explored the spontaneous evolution of musical forms, languages for improvisation, new techniques in scoring for ensembles, multi-disciplinary composition and performance, cross-cultural collaborations, performance art and literature, interactive multi-media and new instrument technologies, generative algorithmic systems, art-science research and philosophy, and extended musical interface with the human nervous system.”

A very Terry Riley-ish recording from 1975’s, Brainwave Music.

From Rosenboom’s 1980 release, Daytime Viewing, with longtime Robert Ashley collaborator, vocalist/designer/graphic artist, Jacqueline Humbert…

unfortunately I couldn’t find a clip of Rosenboom’s collaboration with Anthony Braxton.

John Carpenter to go on limited tour in support of Lost Themes, to which there will be a follow-up record, AND there’s a collaboration with Jean-Michel Jarre on his forthcoming record!

No dates released yet, but this is huge news for fans of John Carpenter as composer/musician. His first tour!

John Carpenter Working On Second Album: Limited Tour Coming?

Also, the snippets of the JMJ collaboration, in this interview, sounds EXACTLY like you want.

Happy birthday, Klaus Schulze

Before embarking on a synthly single minded solo career, Klaus Schulze was briefly a drummer for Tangerine Dream (see amazing video from 1969 below), and a founding member of Ash Ra Tempel, whose Krautrock classic, 1971 eponymous debut, features his drumming and synth talents, as well.

Crazy that footage of this bizarre pairing exists. Absolutely love it!

Mondo Records to reissue Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me soundtracks

Long overdue reissues of Angelo Badalamenti’s epochal scores for David Lynch’s beloved series/movie. And you know with Mondo, even if you have the originals, you’re still gonna wanna pony up for the total package quality of their releases.

Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me soundtrack reissues on the way from Mondo

Song of The Day: Tangerine Dream – Love On A Real Train

Mr Robot kept up it’s streak of fine musical selections by paying homage to the famous Risky Business subway scene, with it’s own, sans sex, complete with Tangerine Dream.

Also, check out this Club Silencio remix, which adds just enough thump to get it across on a modern dancefloor.

There’s a documentary on synthesizer pioneer, Suzanne Ciani, coming soon. Until then check out these amazing vintage clips

In the editing stage currently, A Life In Waves, hopes to expose the groundbreaking work of Suzanne Ciani to a larger audience. If the name is unfamiliar, you have probably heard her work in various advertisements for some of the world’s largest companies, or possibly on the classic pinball machine, Xenon. Or maybe you caught her on Late Night With David Letterman, 3-2-1 Contact, or on the Peter Ustinov hosted Omni (which features her working on Xenon!), where she was a spokesperson for innovations in keyboard sound and design. “Missed those”, you say? Well, here they are for your viewing pleasure, decades later.

Here’s a video from this year of Ciani performing on a the Moog System 55 modular

There’s also footage of Ciani working on her album, Seven Waves, in 1982

and the fully funded Kickstarter for the doc

Watch Land of The Minotaur (1976), featuring an original and otherwise unreleased score from Brian Eno!

I think with the presence of Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence, AND the Eno soundtrack (and a Satanic cult!), this has gotta be worth at least one watching, despite it’s 4.3 IMDB rating.