Get the new, ltd edition of 300, solo LP from Sonny And The Sunsets’, Sonny Smith

The album is also downloadable and free streaming. Bandcamp all knows all

…”The result is a Joe Frank meets Michael Hurley meets R. Crumb production: a dry, witty, autobiographical look at the meaning(s) of life from an underdog with deep nostalgia for America’s lost folk culture and a strong sense kinship with the marginalized.”


Song of The Day: Tamaryn – Softcore

Absolutely loving this track, featured on Tamaryn’s most recent Mexican Summer Records LP, Cranekiss. Dark, atmospheric Pop, that very few people seem to be able to do well these days. Produced by Jorge Elbrecht, of Violens and Lansing-Dreiden fame, who most recently worked with both Ariel Pink and Caroline Polachek, in addition to his fabulous Coral Cross and Drynx projects, and god knows what else, creating an impressively diverse and resume.

Sharing a second, more recent version, as it appears that the drummer has been replaced by programmed beats.

Song of The Day, two ways: Female Trouble, by Divine and Those Darlins

It appears that Nashville rockers, Those Darlins, are calling it a day, after completing their tour in January. Having seen them several times, I recommend you catch any of the remaining dates, as they can burn up a stage. Also, as a farewell gift, they recorded a great take on the theme from Female Trouble, as performed by Divine.

Watch the new video for The Seth Bogart Show, Eating Makeup. Hunx and Kathleen Hanna!

You can always trust Seth to bring the party, and the addition of Kathleen Hanna (she’s does not appear in the video) brings me back to Le Tigre’s 1999 debut, which was on constant rotation in my store back then.

Check out Death Valley Boogie, the absolutely rocking new cut from Death Valley Girls

Loving this track. It’s sorta Bikini Kill, Rebel Girl, meets Pussy Galore, Alright; vicious riffing and leads and a nice breakdown beyond the halfway mark. I bet this gets the crowds batshit, live.

Pussy Galore clip for reference.