This woman found pics of H&M’s Balmain Collection on Google and leaked them

What prompted me to post this was the vague resemblance of items #17 and 23 to the peacock jacket in last month’s post on Cathy Moriarty as style inspiration. Sure this is more faux monkey hair than feather, but the connection remains.

As far as the rest of the collection goes, there’s alotta black and gold combos and fitted updates on military wear, not to mention beaded and rope embellishments, all of which I support. Now to initial impressions: #s 4 and 9 are regulation issue on the USS Enterprise, the cinch waisted glitter of #s 6 and 16 should be an easy sell, #8 = GOAL!!!, #10’s like a herringbone Unknown Pleasures variant, which sounds better than it probably is, the contrast in ruching and fit from top to bottom of #12 could be a winner, #20’s a showstopper party dress, #31 is a Michael Jackson-gone-hipster biker, and the textured black leather of #38 would definitely set you apart from all the other similarly clad denizens of the nighttime world.

New exhibitions from Destroy All Monsters’, Mike Kelley and Jim Shaw

While Niagara may be the Queen of the Juxtapoz set, Pop Art world, her fellow bandmates from the original version of Destroy All Monsters, Mike Kelley and Jim Shaw, are highly respected artists in their own right. Coincidentally Jim Shaw has a new collection on display at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, while the deceased Kelley is the subject of a retrospective at Hauser and Wirth in New York City

The Psychological Depth of Jim Shaw’s Pop Culture Dreamscapes

Mike Kelley’s Superman Complex

John Coltrane’s, A Love Supreme, receives deluxe reissue, featuring unreleased material!

Apparently the entirety of the two day session will be included, featuring a session with the Quartet aided by Archie Shepp and Dr. Art Davis. Fans will wanna shell out for the 3CD deluxe edition, which includes the Quartet’s only complete live performance of A Love Supreme, taken at 1965’s Festival Mondial du Jazz Antibes (check video below for a taste of that show).

I cannot overstate the importance of this recording to the development of my musical tastes and understanding. So excited to hear this!

National Geographic sold to Rupert Murdoch.

Depressing news. Okay, maybe nothing will change. Or maybe the endangered species list is just a liberal conspiracy, and global famine is just a bunch of people too lazy to work, looking for a handout… and then there’s global warming…

Climate change denier Rupert Murdoch just bought National Geographic, which gives grants to scientists

To be fair, Fox has been involved with National Geographic at increasing levels since 1997, but now they own 73% of it, and it’s status has changed from non-profit to for profit. Let the celebrity safaris begin!

Fred Cole collapses on stage during Dead Moon set at Bumbershoot

Thankfully he was taken to the hospital and his condition has stabilized. It appears to have been complications from a heart surgery that he underwent last year. My thoughts and best wishes go out to the Cole’s, the couple that prove true love and Rock and Roll can coexist (married 48 years, while touring heavily for many of them. Watch Unknown Passage: The Dead Moon Story, for ample evidence of their mutual love).

First Lemmy, and now Fred, icons both. Hell, by the time time Lemmy joined The Rockin’ Vickers, in 1965, Fred had already released two singles, after which he formed a succession of bands including The Weeds, aka, Lollipop Shoppe, Whizeagle, Zipper, King Bee, Western Front, The Rats and The Range Rats, before finally settling into Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows, both of whom he has toured with relentlessly. Fred should be nicknamed Rust, because the man must never sleep. The man has been doing this for over 50 years and only stops when his body gives out. A true inspiration.

In other troubling news, I didn’t realize that Dead Moon’s drummer, Andrew Loomis, is also facing his own health scare, battling cancer, and his drum seat is currently occupied by the Cole’s, Pierced Arrows drummer, Kelly Halliburton. Here’s hoping for healthier tidings for all.

Thanks to Jozzy Rubenski for this link to help fund Andrew Loomis’ medical costs.

Octavia Butler’s, Dawn, is going to be a television series?!

“Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself.” – Octavia Butler

Octavia Butler is one of my favorite Sci-Fi authors and I really hope the best for this project. How this is the first adaptation of her numerous works, is beyond me. She probes uncomfortable and difficult themes, but ones that could prove tremendously rewarding in a television format. Of the handful of Butler novels and short stories which I’ve read, I can honestly say that they have all provoked a reaction specific to her work, which I consider a tremendous feat.

Being that it has only recently been optioned, there are no concrete details of production dates or anything else currently. There is, however, an interview with the head of the optioning production company, Alan Bain of Bainframe, and his comments reflect exactly how the adaptation should be viewed: “Staying true to Ms. Butler’s vision and legacy is of the utmost importance to me. Octavia was a genius – and this series is high concept with a lot of heavy intellectual themes, which makes the adaptation difficult. I think audiences are waiting for the first elevated science fiction TV series in a while. I believe this is it.”

Panasonic is bringing back Technics turntables. Am I the only one who thinks this new prototype looks like absolute shit?

new technics turntable

It looks like an industrial meat slicer mixed with aluminum siding from a cheap shed. Seriously, I HATE this design, and it’s not just because of my allegiance to the 1200 (of which I own 5). I’m sure the specs are good but wtf is up with this lame ass modern design? Instead of cold dropping cuts, you’re slicing cold cuts. I’ll have the pastrami and swiss on rye. Hopefully it goes through some serious revisions between this prototype, and production.