320 Vinyl rip of Graziano Mandozzi, Bilder des Ruhmes, soundtrack to a theatrical production from Fernando Arrabal!

Since I couldn’t find a copy of, Bilder des Ruhmes, online, I decided to rip my slightly fuzzy copy to rectify that situation. This record is of special interest to me as a fan of Fernando Arrabal’s three surreal cinematic masterpieces, Viva La Muerte, J’irai comme un cheval fou (I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse) and L’arbre de Guernica, (The Guernica Tree). Arrabal was a cohort of Alejandro Jodorowsky, having, in 1962, founded the Panic Movement with him (and Roland Topor) and written the material for Jodorowsky’s directorial debut, Fando Y Lis, and his films resemble Jodorowsky’s, in their surreal headfuckery. Really oddball, out there stuff, that, given Jodorowsky’s recent return to the spotlight, should be more well known and available.

1976’s, Bilder des Ruhmes was a ballet, based on the life of notorious child murderer, Gilles de Rais, and that’s about the extent of the information that I have on it. There are substantial notes in the record’s program, however they are all in German, so unless someone feels like translating… Suffice it to say, that based on the subject, music, photos and LP cover, we’re dealing with the product of a truly warped mind, which is exactly my kinda thing.

As far as Graziano Mandozzi’s score goes, the music is appropriately all over the place, with lots of short synth pieces, choral works, a couple of more traditional, um, “psych” styled tunes and a general air of avant experimentalism. It’s the only work of Mandozzi’s with which I am familiar, so I have no basis of reference for comparison, but the end product sounds sympathetic to Arrabal’s work, to be sure.

For the full LP http://www.datafilehost.com/d/efdfdfe9

and it looks like someone beat me to the punch on posting this jam. It’s the only other posting of this album that I could find.