Some classics from the Burt Bacharach songbook, on his birthday

See song of the day for My Little Red Book

A hat trick of Walk On By

possibly my favorite Bacharach cover. This is a great track with which to start a out a slow DJ night. Let it’s glorious twelve minutes play out as you get your drink and finish setting up, and if it slips into Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic before your done, even better.

Loved the use of this in the first season (aka, the watchable season) of Helix

R.I.P. Lesley Gore

I just posted Lesley’s tremendous 1964 performance on The T.A.M.I. Show for her birthday, and I’m saddened by the reason to make another post so soon. However, I’m very happy that I found clips from her Batman appearances, which I had previously forgotten.

Here’s hoping it’s all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows for you from here on out, Lesley