Song of The Day: Bob Dylan – Mixed Up Confusion (take 5) (1962)

It’s Bob Dylan’s birthday!
The full fledged Dylan electric era sound, in 1962. Mixed Up Confusion is the first appearance of what Dylan would later refer to as “that wild mercury sound”. Amazing how Dylan already had this sound worked out years prior to the epochal and controversial “going electric” period of Dylan’s Bringing It All Back Home, and his Newport Folk Festival appearance. The man was so far ahead of the game, that it took him years just to catch up with himself!

With all the scholarly research of the numerous Dylan obsessives out there, I’m gonna pass on the story of this song and it’s many permutations to a link more qualified for such a task. Suffice it to say here, that it was Dylan’s first single, cut during the Freewheelin’ Sessions, and does not appear on that record, although it’s B-side, Corrina, Corrina, does.