Recently unearthed footage of the MC5 live in Paris 1972

This version of Black To Comm is total Detroit Soul Punk by way of Hawkwind; utter riff damage and destruction. Obvious why Spacemen 3 pilfered it for their Revolution. The Kick Out The Jams intro is, of course, also exceptional.

R.I.P. to the lead vocalist/drummer for Proto-Metal badasses Sir Lord Baltimore, John Garner

With a legacy of only two albums, released in 1970 and 1971, Sir Lord Baltimore left an indelible mark on the foundation of Heavy Metal. Their music was HEAVY and complimented John Garner’s unique and histrionic vocals, which became a style employed by numerous future Metal front men.


Alice Cooper Band reunites for rare performance, and only 200 people saw it

We’re talking the original Alice Cooper band, minus the deceased Glen Buxton of course, but with Michael Bruce, Dennis Dunaway and Neal Smith! For 200 people at a record store promo stop for Dunaway’s new memoir, Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs!: My Adventures in The Alice Cooper Group. Apparently they did an eight song show, and I wanna know what the setlist was! That’s 200 lucky bastards!

Source: Alice Cooper Band reunites for rare performance, and only 200 people saw it

Check out the Proto-Metal madness of Geoff Krozier’s Indian Medicine Magik Show (and, yep, it’s a magic(k) show), from 1970!

Awesome heavy sounds from Australian magikal madman, Geoff Krozier and band. Imagine Arthur Brown (not only flaming head, but fire eating, as well) performing Heavy Metal Magik, while a band bash away in full on Sabbath freakout mode (complete with Gibson SG and a fucking digeridoo, coz Australia, motherfuckers!). Fire, a live chicken, smoke machines, face paint, shit this show sets the stage for a generation of acts to follow, not the least of which would be the theatrics of Alice Cooper, Kiss, Motley Crue and WASP, and this is on an Australian national television performance! I can barely express how glad I am to have discovered this.

Krozier would later perform with Von Lmo’s groundbreaking No Wave act, Kongress, and record a series of synthesizer based music, some of which is to be released on Finders Keepers Records, as Krozier & The Generator.

And here’s some footage of Krozier with Kongress…

And a couple of solo Magik Art performance clips, in the first of which, he greatly resembles Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China, which would not be released until five years after his death. Maybe John Carpenter saw a Krozier gig ( I can dream, at least).

Happy birthday to Steve Peregrin Took

The other half of the pre-T Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Steve Took’s orbit also included ill fated combos with Syd Barrett, Mick Farren and Larry Wallis, and writing songs for Twink’s psychedelic masterpiece, Think Pink, more than enough reason to earn him the title of underground legend.

Happy birthday, King Fripp

This clip of Lark’s Tongue In Aspic never fails to floor me

Happy birthday, Billy Thorpe

Dig the supreme heaviness of Time To Live. Something that should appeal to fans of Hawkwind and Spacemen 3, and Proto-Metal/Doom/Stoner heads, as well.

Legend of feedback ferocity, Lobby Loyde (Purple Hearts, Wild Cherries, Coloured Balls), spent a few years trading axe duties with Thorpe

and his biggest commercial success, outside of Australia, 1979’s, Children Of The Sun, which when you’re lucky, you’ll hear on classic rock radio.


It’s Ozzy’s 66th birthday. Time for some Sabbath and Randy Rhoads era solo shit.

There are criminally few clips of Randy Rhoads era Ozzy, so this awesome set from After Hours TV is a blessing.

My favorite Ozzy solo cut… actually, one of my favorites, period.

ozzy 2