Songs of The Day: Crawling Chaos – Block Numbers and Danger In Paradise

Had to upload these two phenomenal tracks from the posthumous collection, Homunculus Equinox, that flow so well together I could not bring myself to separate them. Crawling Chaos were an enigmatic UK Post-Punk band, but these two cuts show that they definitely cut their teeth on some Ennio Morricone and Amon Duul II. I live for shit like this.

Quentin Tarantino Lists His Top 20 Spaghetti Westerns

Tarantino has an encyclopedic knowledge of genre film, so his opinions on such are always meritorious. I’ve seen half of the films on this list, and have loved them all. Time to check out the rest and dig up my copy of this

A celebration of images on Sergio Leone’s birthday

Happy DBirthday, Django! Franco Nero, The One, True, Django

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The cameo from Franco Nero in Quentin Tarantino’s, Django Unchained, was a very necessary nod to the man whose name is synonymous with the character. As Nero himself has stated, “There were many, many other ‘Django’ films following mine, with other actors and directors, but there is only one ‘Django.'”. That is not to say that many of the other Django’s weren’t fine actors and movies in their own right, and some most assuredly were, but he defined the character in 1966 and THAT amazing personality would never be duplicated. And, it’s true. The character of Django proliferated in performance and films of varying merit, all trying to recapture the magic of Nero’s performance and writer/director Sergio Corbucci’s vision.
In addition to the iconic Django, and other western heros/anti-heros, Nero has played a space soldier, a ninja, a painter, an Israeli oil baron, a shark hunter, Rudolph Valentino and Jesus. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Nero has had a very diverse and interesting filmography to say the least, but thankfully he always had a fondness for the western; “I’m crazy about westerns. I need to do a western once in a while. It’s like you know, eating bread, eating pasta, drinking wine. It’s in my blood. I need it.”
Keoma is one of Nero’s favorite roles, playing yet another, titular anti-hero.