Ronda Rousey dedicates tonight’s UFC fight to Roddy Piper

Women’s World Cup Final Was Most-Watched Soccer Game in United States History

This is about much more than just sports. It signifies a necessary societal shift. Of course that doesn’t mean that the winning women’s team receives the winning men’s team payout. At $2 million they receive 25% of the winning men’s team’s, $8 million. Actually, all World Cup finals men’s teams receive $1.5 million, regardless of placement. Oh, and despite petitioning, the women’s teams still have to play on the far less forgiving artificial turf. Maybe with their record breaking accomplishment some of these glaring disparities might be properly addressed. Either way, it bodes well for greater acceptance of, and interest in, women’s sports, which even if you have no interest in sports, is a step in the right direction.

Happy birthday to the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Woooooooo!

Not only is Ric Flair one of the Top 5 wrestlers of all time (I’m not taking any polls here, it’s just a matter of fact), his skills on the mic are legendary.
As it happens, I have a personal Ric Flair story, that’s kinda awesome. Back in the mid-80’s, when I was a teen, I happened to be on a trip with my dad in NYC. One evening we ended up at the swank Helmsley Palace Lounge, where I was sipping $6 cokes, and all of a sudden there was a ruckus at a booth. Some folks were getting their drunk on and having a blast. There were 3 or 4 big haired, bleach blonde females seated with two gentleman. Those two gentleman? Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard (To be fair, Ric has spent more money on “spilt liquor” than you’ve made, let’s remember). Okay, just so you know what a big deal this was, let me give you some wrestling history. This was at a point where Flair and Blanchard were mortal enemies, fighting it out week after week. It was a huge story line at the time. And here I am, watching these two combatants getting loose together, which was amazing enough, but ya know the best part? A few weeks later Flair and Blanchard got together with the Anderson Brothers, Arn and Ole, and formed the most epic wrestling crew of all time, THE FOUR HORSEMEN! All I could say was, I saw it coming! Long live the Nature Boy!

And there’s no way in hell that he isn’t the inspiration for the look of Will Ferrell, as Ashley Schaeffer, in Eastbound and Down