Movies in 2015: It’s not all remakes, reboots, sequels and superheroes. Pt 1: Documentary and biopic trailers

A handful of trailers, that have caught my attention, for forthcoming docs and bios. Most of these will be released directly to video and streaming services (some may even be out, by now) and might slip through the cracks in the season of the Hollywood blockbuster.

If you liked Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, Lost In La Mancha, and other such films about films and the trouble of getting them made, then Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey Of Richard Stanley’s Island Of Dr Moreau should be right up your alley

For fans of the music behind the movie, Score: A Film Music Documentary

What about a musical culture clash, as the world’s first, and probably only, female Japanese country music star, Tomi Fujiyama, attempts to return to the stage of The Grand Ole Opry, 50 years after her sole performance there.

Made in Japan Official Trailer HD from The Diamond Bros. on Vimeo.

Or in more traditional Japanese cultural stories, discover the painstaking process of producing high quality sake with, The Birth of Sake.

Any Fandau’s out there? Soul Boys of the Western World follows Spandau Ballet from their more punk/wave roots, through the chart topping success of their ubiquitous ballad, True, to their disintegration and eventual rebirth.

I am so looking forward to B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin (1979-1989), about that influential punk scene and it’s cultural setting. Curious to see what bands and personalities make the cut.

B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin (1979-1989) – Official Trailer from scenes from on Vimeo.

Cop or criminal? Maybe criminal cop.

How about a stylish biopic about outrageous fashion designer, Yves Saint Laurent?

What better way to close out this season’s documentaries than with the final film from a titan of the genre, Albert Maysles? Iris is the story of the 93 year old legend of style, Iris Apfel, still every bit as vibrant and relevant as ever. A fitting tribute for Maysles curtain call.