The story of Harvey Danger’s, Flagpole Sitta.
So I just watched the first episode of the new, and final, season of one of the funniest shows of all time, Peep Show, to which Flagpole Sitta provides the theme, and wanted to post this interesting, recent look at the enduring legacy of a nineties one hit wonder. Now barring the aforementioned hit, I was entirely unfamiliar with Harvey Danger’s catalog, but as for as random nineties alterna radio rock goes, this is one of the few songs that I’ve always enjoyed hearing (the Peep Show connection has only legitimized that feeling). Cute, catchy and instantly recognizable, the music belies the song’s cynical and disaffected lyrical bent, which only adds to it’s credibility as a Post-Grunge, Powerpop/Pop-Punk though it is, generational anthem.

Having listened to the other songs linked in this post, I think that had they been around in the more indie band friendly eighties, Harvey Danger could have ridden the crest of College Rock, alongside R.E.M., The Replacements, and other such luminaries, to a place well beyond the land of the one hit wonder. Either way, it’s nice to hear a popular Rock song from that era that doesn’t suck. Know what I mean?

Been around the world and found
That only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don’t even own a TV

Also, is it just me or does anyone else think that it bears at least a slight resemblance to this part of Willie Wonka’s bad trip boat ride? Anyone wanna do a mash up?

Ash vs Evil Dead is everything an Evil Dead fan could want

There are so many nods to the original movie series (though I’ll leave this post spoiler free) in this first episode, that you know Raimi and crew were doing it with the fans in mind. The soundtrack’s use of Space Truckin’ and Journey To The Center of The Mind, aside from being awesome in general, is totally apropos for Ash being a 70’s Michigander, undoubtedly raised on WLLZ and WRIF. I have absolutely zero complaints to level with the premier and only hope that the rest of it keeps up the pace. Also, it’s great to have Bruce back in a starring role (his last legitimate lead being the 2000 series, Jack of All Trades), and reuniting with Lucy Lawless, to boot!

The final season of Peep Show starts November 11!!!

Which gives you a little more than ten days to re-watch the first eight seasons. Here, I’ll help get you started…