Vinyl Rip of The Day: George “Wild Child” Butler – Hold Me, Baby (Willie Dixon)

Decided to rip my 1965 Jewel Records 45 of this track that I recently featured as Song of The Day. Both sides of the 45 are written by Willie Dixon, who is also featured, as I believe are Jimmy Dawkins and Cash McCall.

Gotta admit, it was Holly Golightly’s 1994 version, that hipped me to it, twenty years ago.

Rare vinyl rip: Fine Art – ST (1978) Acid Guitar damaged Art Punk sampled by Cut Chemist(?!)

This band is a mystery. The only information that a quick search turns up is that there is this LP and and later 12″. I don’t think that this has been available online before. It’s a great album, that sounds like some Midwestern RockersĀ gone Art Punk, with female vocals and a guitar player who loves to unleash furious distorto solos all over the place. It reminds me a little of Ron Asheton era Destroy All Monsters, and some of Akron Ohio’s fantastic late 70’s Punk label, Clone Records.

This track is the sample source for Cut Chemist’s, Outro, video link below.

Full LP rip at 320

Cut Chemist always brings the weirdness and totally rips this cut

Vinyl Rip: Bappi Lahiri Ft. Lata Mangeshkar – Pyar Hai Gunah (1975). Bollywood’s answer to Led Zeppelin’s, Immigrant Song

Producer/arranger, Bappi Lahiri, and vocalist, Lata Mangeshkar, were two of the most prolific contributors to the vast world of Bollywood soundtracks. Along with producer/arranger, R.D. Burman, and vocalists, Asha Bosle (who is Mangeshkar’s little sister) and Mohammed Rafi, they ruled the sonic landscape of India, collectively contributing to thousands (yes, thousands) of films. In fact Mangeshkar was so prolific that, in 1974, she was inducted into the Guinness Book Of Records as the single most recorded artist with, “not less than 25,000 solo, duet and chorus backed songs in 20 Indian languages”. While the exact number of songs has been disputed (estimates ranging between five to fifty thousand), with the aforementioned Mohammed Rafi contending his output to be greater and later Guinness editions passing the title onto her sister Bosle, there is no debate about the insanely prolific and influential nature of her work. She’s also has the distinction of being awarded India’s highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna.

As noted in the blog headline, this track is a total swipe of Led Zeppelin’s, Immigrant Song, which, given Zeppelin’s history of plagiarism, is entirely appropriate. For that matter, Bollywood was no stranger to the pillaging of popular western music to it’s own ends, to begin with. Anyway, though Immigrant Song is clearly the basis for Pyar Hai Gunah, it is also undeniably Indian in execution, and all the better for it.

And just in case you wanted to see how this played out in the movie (and really, how could you not?), youtube’s got your back.

Vinyl Rip Of The Day : Terry Brooks – Mister Strange (Live) (special extended version with guitar intro)

Rare track from the Florida Hendrix worshipper who released the acid drenched guitar blow outs of 1973’s Translucent World and 1976’s Raw Power. This is a total in the red, psychedelic guitar blast in the category of Japanese masters like Les Rallizes Desnudes, Keiji Haino (Fushitsusha, in particular), and High Rise. Completely over the top and outta control. Ripped from a 1987 12″ on Florida Rock, Inc.

Vinyl Rip of The Day: La Monte Young – 2LP – RIP 006

This was originally released in an edition of 300 by RRR Records, in 1992. It features recordings with John Cale and Angus MacLise, pre-Velvet Underground, as well as other luminaries such as Tony Conrad, David Rosenboom, Jon Hassell, Lee Konitz, and, of course, Young’s wife Marian Zazeela. There are four different recording dates, one from 1963, two from 1964, and one from 1971.

Had to separate this into two zips. Vinyl rip @320
La Monte

Happy birthday, John Cale!

In lieu of more typing, I’ll paste the discogs session listing:

A1 [Radio Announcer]
A2 12 I 64 Sunday Morning Blues
Drums [Hand] ā€“ Angus MacLise
Guitar [Bowed] ā€“ Tony Conrad
Sopranino Saxophone ā€“ La Monte Young
Viola ā€“ John Cale
Vocals [Drone] ā€“ Marian Zazeela
A3 [Radio Announcer]
A4 Bā™­ Dorian Blues Saturday 19th November 1963 – 5th Day Of The Hammer
Drums [Hand] ā€“ Angus MacLise
Guitar [Bowed] ā€“ Tony Conrad
Sopranino Saxophone ā€“ La Monte Young
Viola ā€“ John Cale
Vocals [Drone] ā€“ Marian Zazeela
B1 [Radio Announcer]
B2 The Well Tuned Piano 8 VI 64 – Day Of Gammedeon
Piano ā€“ La Monte Young
C The Well Tuned Piano 8 VI 64 – Day Of Gammedeon
Piano ā€“ La Monte Young
D1 [Radio Announcer]
D2 19 X 71 6:52 To 7:42 NYC From Map Of 49’s Dream The Two Systems Of Eleven Sets Of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery
Tenor Saxophone ā€“ Lee Konitz
Trumpet ā€“ Jon Hassell
Viola ā€“ David Rosenboom
Voice ā€“ Marian Zazeela
Voice, Synthesizer [Moog] ā€“ La Monte Young

Jackie Benson and The Rounders – I’ve Gotta Get You, You, You Off My Mind

Real deal old school rockabilly from everyone’s favorite little mountain town, Asheville, NC. Not sure of the date on this recording, but I’m assuming it’s late 50’s. It was by far my best 45 score of last year, as it’s a super rare and seriously rocking, regional Rockabilly original, and the sleeve is signed! Vinyl rip @320, although I think my Ikey vinyl ripper is creating some distortion (I’ve tried 3 turntables and all have the same issue of making a clean record a little blown out). Caveat aside, it’s well worth the minute and forty seconds of your life to listen to it all.

Vinyl Rip Download: Spell – Time Waves (1979)

1979 synthesizer madness from my home town of Jacksonville, Florida. Time were the duo of Jack Tamul and Joe Diehl and their sole LP was produced at the behest of The Alexander Breast Planetarium, a place where I spent many a night losing it to their phenomenal laser light shows. Well, that was a good few years after the release of the LP, but this music would be the ideal accompaniment to the psychedelic light show (I mostly remember Rock based shows, Laser Pink Floyd being the best and most popular). Featuring an array of synths and processors like the Arp 2600, Omni, Axxe and Pro DGX sequencers, a Moog, Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 and sequencer, ya know, the kinda thing that tech heads, much more knowledgeable than myself, would freak on, Time Waves really captures the spirit of innovation of the seventies synth age. The fact that it was produced in collaboration with The Planetarium (in Jacksonville, of all places), also speaks of a bygone era.

And the sound? Classic late 70’s, private press, New Age / Kosmische and even a track, The Pawn (posted below), that would have been a perfect cut for an Italian Giallo soundtrack!

These days, Tamul continues his work with synths and computers,, and Joe Diehl is writing scores and working as an audio engineer on numerous film and tv projects

Dario Argento would love this

Full 320 rip here:

David Muse, Tonal Alchemy, Vinyl Rip

Today’s rip is from David Muse, best known as a member of the 70’s Top 40, soft pop group, Firefall. On his 1981 solo LP, Tonal Alchemy, Muse leaves the pop trappings behind, producing a synth heavy album falling somewhere between New Age, Kosmische and Balearic genres. The influences of Tangerine Dream and Vangelis can definitely be heard, but as the cover artwork might suggest, there’s a trippy American beach vibe going on, and at times he does employ the sound of the surf to bring the atmospheric motif home.

If you’re at all familiar with Light In The Attic’s, I Am The Center: Private Issue New Age Music In America 1950-1990, (and if you’re not… then you should check this recording out. Muse uses an array of synthesizers and electronics (Oberheim 4 voice synthesizer, Ob-1 synthesizer, Roland Jupiter 8 Synthesizer, Korg Vocoder), along with Soprano Sax, Flute, Fender Rhodes, and on the below posted, Narada Muni, Sitar and Tamboura played by Jonathan Medrick, to create his unique musical environment. Muse is definitely on some third eye vibrational stuff here: “The essence evolves only when certain harmonic structures conducive to crystallizing matter and spirit are arranged in patterns of progressions.”

Full rip @320 here:

Here he can be seen performing one of Firefall’s radio staples

320 Vinyl rip of Graziano Mandozzi, Bilder des Ruhmes, soundtrack to a theatrical production from Fernando Arrabal!

Since I couldn’t find a copy of, Bilder des Ruhmes, online, I decided to rip my slightly fuzzy copy to rectify that situation. This record is of special interest to me as a fan of Fernando Arrabal’s three surreal cinematic masterpieces, Viva La Muerte, J’irai comme un cheval fou (I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse) and L’arbre de Guernica, (The Guernica Tree). Arrabal was a cohort of Alejandro Jodorowsky, having, in 1962, founded the Panic Movement with him (and Roland Topor) and written the material for Jodorowsky’s directorial debut, Fando Y Lis, and his films resemble Jodorowsky’s, in their surreal headfuckery. Really oddball, out there stuff, that, given Jodorowsky’s recent return to the spotlight, should be more well known and available.

1976’s, Bilder des Ruhmes was a ballet, based on the life of notorious child murderer, Gilles de Rais, and that’s about the extent of the information that I have on it. There are substantial notes in the record’s program, however they are all in German, so unless someone feels like translating… Suffice it to say, that based on the subject, music, photos and LP cover, we’re dealing with the product of a truly warped mind, which is exactly my kinda thing.

As far as Graziano Mandozzi’s score goes, the music is appropriately all over the place, with lots of short synth pieces, choral works, a couple of more traditional, um, “psych” styled tunes and a general air of avant experimentalism. It’s the only work of Mandozzi’s with which I am familiar, so I have no basis of reference for comparison, but the end product sounds sympathetic to Arrabal’s work, to be sure.

For the full LP

and it looks like someone beat me to the punch on posting this jam. It’s the only other posting of this album that I could find.